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Please provide final feedback to the creators of this submission below:​

  • What did you like or love about this submission?

  • What did you find confusing or unclear?

  • What suggestions do you have to make it stronger?

Cassidy (1 like)

I wonder what a spirit and a witch would talk about it seems like a really cute concept.


Florian (1 like)

The idea about travelling through the sky on a magic fish allows for a lot of interesting scenarios. But what would there be to see in the sky? Maybe people live in cloud houses?


Panote (1 like)

Really awesome ideas and I really would love to see these visuals come to life!! I'm curious about the first ideas! What causes the main character to cry and does it relate to the stories being told? Would the tears cheer her up? Would it cause her to toughen up and change the way she approaches life? I think the first idea has the strongest character development plot, but the other ones could be really fun and imaginative! Can't wait to see the ideas developed further!! Goodluck!


Katie (1 like)

Great what ifs! I think that some of my favorite episodes of shows are ones that revolve around a single, long conversation, which is why the last idea interests me so much. The characters are intriguing already, but one thing you would have to think about is will the entire animation be centered at the table, or would it be taking place in different settings using flashbacks or something like that. It would just be good to consider so you don’t have so many frames looking the same and you could change the scenery up a bit. Excited to see what you come up with!


Douglas (1 like)

I really like your first idea, I think it gives a great idea of how people have history underneath some feelings, it would be interesting to develop the whole way of telling this stories.
I wonder a little bit more of the story behind flying fishes
Something unclear could maybe be still the flying fish on how it would be use in the sky, but still is a very abstract situation in which I would like to hear more about


Sef (1 like)

My favorite idea was your last one because I feel like it has a lot of potential for a fun story and a fun dynamic between the characters. It makes me wonder more about how they met and how they would get along.
One thing that was unclear to me was if this is a world where spirits showing up are common or if only the witch can see and hear the spirit.


Brandon (1 like)

I'm a little confused personally by the first idea. If tears told stories... how would they tell it; visually, audibly or both? Does that mean the stories are only told from sad moments or moments of overwhelming joy? Are the tears creating works of fiction or recreating real events? Does everyone experience this or is it an isolated case for one person? Can tears be bottled for later like memories in the Harry Potter series?


Belen (1 like)

All of them are beatiful!!!! I loveee, I mean LOVE the first one, because sometimes We cryed for being very sad or happy, every tear I someway has a story yo tell, beautiful. I'm curius about how It's going to work but I imagine It very poetic. For that reason I would find very interesting a very poetic aproach in the eastetic.
In the other hand the last one seems very funny, I really liked that one too.


Constanza (1 like)

ooooooo wow! It is an amazing What If Set! I loved the first one so so so much, from the drawing to the concept! Amazing, I really would love to see this and see how this will develop.
What I love the most is the fact is that in this what if, tears speaks from us too, I really imagine how that also can help people on showing our deepest emotions and make others to see our situation and being more empathic.

The thing I would love to see here will be definetly how the storytelling or the story will be connected with the person and their emotions, or experiences-How have you thinking about it?
I would definetly love to know also, what made you came up with this wonderful what if, what did inspire you, and if you have created anything like this before, because definetly I LOVED IT! great artist and magical/real ideas I loved it so so much!!


Alia (1 like)

The tears idea is definitely my favorite. It reminds me to Dumbledore's Pensieve of Hogwarts where he looks at his memories. Like Harry Potter did with Snape, it would be amazing to store peoples' tears in vials so that you can look through their memories and they could tell you the story of someone's life or perhaps what made them cry in the first place.
The magic fish is cool and I wonder about the anatomy of the fish. Does it breathe air and water or is it a flying creature at this point?
Some more clarity could be added as to the worldbuilding of the third idea with the spirit and the witch. Don't witches usually interact with spirits? Would this be scary and unusual for the witch or spirit?


Vanessa (1 like)

I love the idea of tears turning into stories, what exact story would you want to draw? Is there something that caused the tears to change did something magical cause this? what about tears becoming the person or thing that is bothering you so you can practice voicing your feelings.



Hey, Vanessa! Honestly, I'm still thinking about the details of the story. A "family feud" or "clashing parties" come to mind. I think it's because, in the beginning of the story, the main character is caught in the middle of two people (friends or parents?) not getting along. To be honest, I don't know if there is a reason why her tears are magical--it just happens. 🙂

I really like your idea about using the tears as an outlet to voice her feelings; I think that's what I'm going for! Sometimes I have dreams that, while totally absurd and seemingly unrelated, are rooted in issues that I'm trying to work through at the time. I think this is my way of trying to capture that experience.

I hope that, by making the tears manifest into tangible characters in conflict, the main character can start to break apart the problem--/before/ addressing that same issue happening in her normal life. I hope that makes sense!


Brennan (1 like)

I like your first and third prompt, so I'm going to talk about both. The idea that tears tell stories is incredibly fun, and you have a lot of room to explore character with that prompt. Telling a story through a character's history can be incredibly effective, slowly revealing the past through tears. Your second prompt, the Witch and the Spirit, seems incredibly fun and lighthearted, while also having room for some good story telling. When I heard the prompt, I thought of the two telling stories about themselves, and these stories slowly converge onto a central message or theme. The prompt also makes me wonder, is this world they live in entirely mythical creatures and deities? Or are they outliers? I know I personally would prefer a world of magic creatures and things, it could make for some fun world building!



Thanks for your thoughts, Brennan! I'm glad you like those two. I think my instinct is to tell rather introspective, relationship-driven stories. I'm going to zoom in on the witch and spirit idea since I think that's the one I'm going with moving forward.

Although I want this story to be about vulnerability and friendship, I want to use supernatural elements unique to each character to make their interactions engaging--relatable and emotion-driven, but still lighthearted. I want both characters to start off on opposite footing, and then come to a better understanding of each other by the end.

To answer your question, I imagine the world as having mythical creatures, but not all of them exist within a single realm. I think there's generally an understanding that these different realms exist (e.g. the demigod realm and the spirit world). The witch uses her magic to channel the spirit into her own realm. In this realm, spirits are acknowledged and can be accommodated.


Emma (2 likes)

My favorite What If idea would be the Spirit and the Witch coffee idea because I love to see spiritual or supernatural beings if they were living every day life. I wonder what they would talk about. Do they gossip? Is this a date? Are supernatural beings apart of the normal world and are they accepted? What is unclear, however, is why they meet for coffee.



Thanks Emma! I'm thinking that the witch and ghost are actually childhood friends (the witch knew the ghost when she was alive).

I think that, in this world, the supernatural is a normal part of life. However, I think that different mystical, mythical, and otherwise supernatural beings live in different "planes" of existence. So, spirits and witches don't regularly coexist in the same realm, at least not knowingly. However, this witch can talk to the dead and channel them into her realm.

I'm thinking they meet for coffee because the witch wants to check in on her ghostly friend. My general thought is that she's concerned that the spirit needs to manifest better energy to preserve herself, so she intends to help the spirit in her own, witchy way.


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What Ifs

Here's my teaser with 3 "what-if" questions.

This is where the special thanks would go!  I’m assuming they will be a little longer this week, therefore, I designed extra space for them. If there is far more description and special thanks then there is space, this entire box becomes scrollable.

Special Thanks:

Team Juh


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