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Terra's act 1,2 and 3

Once upon a time...there was a very talkative girl named Terra. Terra love's to talk with her neighbor on the way to school and back home. Terras always found it easy to talk to people since she was young. Every day...she would talk to her friends, her family and everyone she met, though Terra enjoys talking to everyone she enjoys talking to her aunt most. Terra often spends all day talking to others, and can't imagine not being able to. but one day... Terra's aunt got tired of listening to Terra talk All the time so she cursed Terra so that whenever she spoke she would cause an earthquake, the next time Terra spoke she was talking loudly and caused a medium earthquake. after that Terra ran to her favorite meadow. because of that... Terra stopped talking. the only time Terra spoke was when she had to in a low whisper. when Terra's parents found out they told the teachers and principal Terra lost her voice. because of that... Terra's friends kept leaving her out of things. Terra's friends were used to Terra talking all the time so when she stopped they didn't realize she was around. Terra's neighbor ally was Terras only friend who stayed by Terras side. because of that... Terra felt lonely. Ally and Terra's family kept trying to help Terra feel better. Terra often went to the meadow after school or on the weekend Ally sometimes comes with Terra. Until finally... Terra learned to live with her curse and after she learned her lesson the curse was broken. Terra's curse lasted a year before it broke. after her curse was broken Terra spent almost all of Saturday and Sunday talking. Terra still talks a lot to the people who don't mind listening. no one ever finds out Terra's aunt is the one who cursed Terra, Terra's aunt moved. The moral of the story's okay to be talkative just try to know that not everyone wants to listen all the time.

I want to thank my mom for letting me do this class, and helping me whenever I got stuck or frustrated while working on this. I also want to thank everyone who gave me such nice comments.

Special Thanks:

Dawn animation


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