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I love your last idea! how funny and exciting would it be to see the world a community of grinches live in? the contrast is just so good! its easily understandable and gets straight to the heart of the story! its awesome!
I lean on the kangaroo. The trials that he or she will have to make to accomplish the task would be fun. it raises the question now of how will they accomplish this...
I liked the Submarine city the best, because it immediately sparked images in my head of what the underwater world could be like. It‘s a world that I would want to inhabit.
It also sparked other what if questions, like how does the city function, and why do people live in this city?
Something that is unclear is do the submarines connect with each other like buildings? Or are they disconnected from each other? How do the people in the submarines eat, and interact with sea life?
Look forward to the development!
I think the second question is my favourite because I think there is the most potential to grow into a very colourful and unique story. I wonder how the city would get its resources like food, oxygen, and fuel? It would be really cool if there was some sort of machine to extract oxygen from the water! Something that I found unclear was why are there people living in an underwater city of submarines in the first place? Is it by choice or was this necessary for some reason?
I love the first what if about the kangaroos the most because it seems like the story could go a lot of ways. I wonder if the kangaroo would be motivated to learn how to jump like the others or if it was alright with being different? By the expression on the kangaroo's face, I also wonder if the others outcast it at all?
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What If...
Kangaroos, Submarines and Whos, oh my!
Just wanna say thanks to my teammate Seth, who is super creative and hard working and helped keep our production on track. This wouldn't have been made without his partnership, and I am eternally grateful for all he's done in the making of this project.
I'd also like to thank my sister Emily, who though she didn't have time to work on the production with us, gave me all the support and sisterly love I needed to see this through.
Finally, I'd like to thank Dorie, the head of communications at my school for helping to finance registration for our team and for believing in us.
Special Thanks:
Communist Velociraptors
Abbie, Dorie, Emily, Seth