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Please provide final feedback to the creators of this submission below:​

  • What did you like or love about this submission?

  • What did you find confusing or unclear?

  • What suggestions do you have to make it stronger?

Maria Teresa

I like the idea that the mirrors were portales to other worlds.
Could people travel through mirrors?
It would be interesting if the mirrors sucked people in whihout her noticing.


Adair (1 like)

I like the idea of a girl getting to relive a moment of her life! That is a feeling so many people have wondered and would be cool to explore. It made my wonder more about what kind of moment the girl would want to re-live...and what that says about her. I'd love a better understanding if she is re-living a moment to prevent something, or to do something she wishes she had done? Or maybe just to enjoy a moment again!


Nicole (1 like)

I really like the idea that mirrors could be portals to other worlds, because you could go to so many places. I wonder what type of world would it be, one that welcomes strangers or one that dislikes strangers. Is a bit unclear what would happen when you travel thru mirrors will it cost you anything or is just magic, and where will the story would go to. If mirrors are passages to other world would any mirror work or would it be a certain type of mirror that you would need for travel.


Melissa (1 like)

Haha, from one Melissa to another, I liked all three ideas. I think my favorite is the first one, if only because I love cats and love the idea of a little protector kitty working hard at night and then having funny/cute pet shenanigans during the day. I'm only unclear about the rest of the setting. Is it normal for pets to fight evil spirits? Why is the cat in particular doing it? Why are there evil spirits, and what are they after? I look forward to seeing how the ideas pan out :D


Mel (1 like)

I love the cat fighter idea! (Most) cats are such good hunters, it's very fun to imagine that they're putting their skills to good use. I wonder whether the girl's cat is the only feline out there saving the world, or are other animals involved? I'm also curious about what the evil spirits want--are they looking for revenge or resources or something else?


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What if....?

Three different "what if" questions

This is where the special thanks would go!  I’m assuming they will be a little longer this week, therefore, I designed extra space for them. If there is far more description and special thanks then there is space, this entire box becomes scrollable.

Special Thanks:

Team Melissa :)


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