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Maya (1 like)
We liked your first idea. It could represent anxiety or being self conscious and that makes it realistic to people's lives. Your drawings are really great!
Andrew (1 like)
I liked the diverse characters and personalities in the bunny idea drawing.
Penny (1 like)
I enjoy the idea of the vocal bowtie, it has a lot of potential for humorous situations. Can other people hear it? Is the person able to remove this tie? Will it somehow follow them around just to remind them of all their worries? The only thing I found unclear was the reason for the second idea to specifically be focused on a bunny, but I certainly wouldn't call that a problem at all.
Mia Bella (1 like)
I was most drawn to idea #3, it sounds super fun and the idea of teleporting to a different place each time with zero control of where you go is hilarious.
Mónica (1 like)
I personally loved the #3, i would be so funny to see all the places he could teletransport to, and what i find a little unclear is why he has that hability.
Grace (1 like)
I love the first and last one, they provide so much potential for a hilarious story! The first one makes me wonder how the man would finally fix it, or how his friends and family would react. I was a little confused about the bunny one, but amazing ideas overall!!!
Braden (2 likes)
Your second idea sounds like it could be made into a very funny film! I also wonder where or how far the person teleports when they sneezed. I found it a bit unclear about why the bowtie was saying what it says to the man.
Idara (2 likes)
teleporting every time you sneeze is a super cool idea! do they teleport to a different location? time period?
Manea-Joy (2 likes)
i love the idea of the sneezing thats so strange and super creative at the same time
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What If...
Week 1 submission
This is where the special thanks would go! I’m assuming they will be a little longer this week, therefore, I designed extra space for them. If there is far more description and special thanks then there is space, this entire box becomes scrollable.
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