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Julian (1 like)
I think that this story evokes a feeling of anger at Nathan but also satisfaction that he fixed his problems. The moral of the story seems to be to never take life for granted.
I think the emotion of this movie is comedic. I think the moral of the story is to be grateful for what you have.
Interesting story. Why did he feel like nothing was important? Also. next time try to let the end have a second after the narration ends because this video stops a little bit short. I am intrigued by how the whole story ties together and Nathan tries to return to retrieve his relationships with old friends he had lost after getting his 3 lives.
I like the story, great resolution. How did he get to the warehouse and why? Also, was the pac man thing that gave him lives, magic?
I like that he was so obsessed with video games that his life eventually became one. I am confused as to how he came back to life after dying. Next time I think you should make that a bit clear.
I liked every thing just explain it more
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Acts 1, 2, and 3 storyreel